By Steve Roberts 

Ortho-k contact lenses for dry eyes  worn only while sleeping may offer a better solution for short-sighted dry eye sufferers than the wide range of artificial tears, nutraceuticals, medications and moisture-enhancing devices currently on the market. Common causes of dry eye include the aging process, wearing contact lenses, hormone levels, menopause, birth control, diabetes, environmental factors like allergies, wind, and dry climate, medications, and heavy computer usage. As such, dry eye syndrome has become one of the most common eye health issues and led to the development of a major market for proposed remedies yet it is unclear that any one product offers the best solution.

Many dry eye sufferers are daytime contact lens wearers who find their condition is exacerbated by spending too long in air-conditioned office environments working on computers which severely reduce blink rates and the associated production of tear flow to lubricate the eyes. Additionally, increasing numbers of people are affected by allergies including the seasonal effects of hay fever which can make it almost impossible to continue wearing daytime contact lenses. This is where ortho-k contact lenses for dry eyes  may offer a new solution since these lenses are only worn overnight when sleeping then removed next morning to give clear natural vision all day long.

Dry eye typically results from low tear production and inadequate chemical composition. In addition to discomfort, dry eye may also damage eye tissue and scar the cornea. Yet many sufferers put up with severe discomfort which may cause more serious eye health problems at a later stage simply because they do not want to have to switch from their daytime contact lenses to glasses. However, with ortho-k contact lenses for dry eyes , short-sight is corrected overnight through the lenses gently flattening the surface of the eye to ensure light focuses on the retina at the back of the eye rather than in front of it. The effect lasts for over 24 hours until the lenses are reinserted and ensures that dry eye sufferers can save money by no longer having to continually buy expensive remedies.

Check if you are suitable for ortho-k corrective contact lenses  for dry eyes.

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