New EyeWiki created to support ophthalmologists and raise awareness
The American Academy of Ophthalmology has created a new central hub for ophthalmologists, which aims to raise the profile of eye health issues and offer clinical information in vision correction.

The EyeWiki was created with the help of a number of key societies and organisations specialising in eye health.

As a result of the major eye health collaboration, anyone in search of a cure for myopia can access relevant information - if they have an internet connection.

The EyeWiki offers new research and potential treatments for patients with vision correction problems around the globe.

"This fascinating project promotes a new level of collaboration and information sharing among ophthalmologists," said EyeWiki Editor-in-Chief, Aaron Miller.

"It pools the ophthalmic community's knowledge to create the best, most up-to-date information. And it offers the public a unique resource for in-depth clinical information on eye conditions that compliments general patient information."

Meanwhile, deputy editor-in-chief Brad Feldman added that the various stakeholders will be "working hard to ensure that this 'living textbook' of our ophthalmic community reflects the high standards of our profession while maintaining the openness and simplicity of a wiki".

He claimed that, in time, thousands of eye health professionals will be using the resource as they care for their various patients.

Topics currently covered in the refractive management and intervention section include in-depth coverage of corrective laser surgery complications - something which may make people suffering from myopia consider alternatives to laser eye surgery, such as Ortho K overnight corrective lenses.

Side effects such as corneal perforation, infectious kertatitis and post-surgical ectasia are all topics covered.

According to the EyeWiki, corneal perforation is "a rare but devastating complication" that is completely avoidable with Ortho K corrective overnight lenses. The site suggests that perforations must be repaired in a sterile manner or they could result in further complications - including infection.

Written by Julia Paris

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